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Your Dentist in Las Cruces Will Help You Maximize Your Dental Insurance

October 26, 2017

Filed under: family dentist — drortiz @ 1:50 am

Dental insurance formThe health of your teeth and gums is important to you, which is why you take the time each day to brush and floss. You even pay monthly premiums for dental coverage. However, while you have dental benefits, you are not visiting your dentist in Las Cruces as often as you should. Do not worry, more than 36% of adults are not either. However, as the end of the year approaches, you may want to reconsider delaying your next appointment. If you do not use your remaining benefits before the start of the new year, you will lose them.

Start the School Year with a Trip to Your Dentist in Las Cruces

August 19, 2017

Filed under: family dentist — Tags: — drortiz @ 7:06 pm

Young girl at schoolNow is an exciting time of year as your child gets ready to head back to the classroom to start a new grade. To ensure they start it off right, you have a detailed to-do list with all the school supplies and appointments that are needed. However, you could be missing something on your list—an appointment with their dentist in Las Cruces. Before the school year starts, now is the perfect time to schedule a preventive visit for a cleaning and checkup. By making it a priority now, you can help to prevent a bigger issue interrupting their school year later.

Your One-stop Family Dentist in Las Cruces

January 23, 2017

Filed under: family dentist — Tags: , , , — tntadmin @ 10:39 pm

Find your one-stop dentist in Las Cruces at Painted Skies Dental Center. A relaxed setting and precise services--it’s the right care for your family.

Painted Skies Dental Center cares for the oral health of both individuals and families all under one roof. Husband and wife team of Drs. Ramon and Natalie Ortiz combine their expertise for the best family dental practice in Wilton.


Emergency Dentist in Las Cruces: Dealing with the Urgent

January 7, 2017

Filed under: family dentist — Tags: , , , — tntadmin @ 1:09 am

What can you do if you break a tooth or lose a crown? Drs. Ramon and Natalie Ortiz, emergency dentists in Las Cruces, treat your pressing needs quickly.

Do you know how to handle a dental emergency such as a lost tooth?  Before doing anything else, contact your emergency dentists in Las Cruces, Drs. Ramon and Natalie Ortiz, at Painted Skies Dental Center. The dentists will tell you the right course of action and treat you the same day as your injury if needed.


Las Cruces Dentist Advocates Maximizing Insurance Benefits

October 20, 2016

Filed under: family dentist — Tags: , — tntadmin @ 11:13 pm

Maximize your benefits and schedule a visit with your Las Cruces dentist. The end of 2016 is almost upon us. So what does that mean? Let’s see, well, it’s probably time to start thinking about that Christmas gift list. Besides that you should also make sure that you’ve used every last dollar of your dental insurance benefits. If not, then now is the time to schedule dental checkups and other treatments with your Las Cruces dentist, Dr. Ray or Dr. Natalie. All of us at Painted Skies Dental Center want you to make the most of your dental insurance so you and your family receive the gift of a healthy and happy smile.
