When you don’t have all of your natural teeth, chewing certain foods can be quite a challenge. Not only do you have to skip out on some of your favorite meals and snacks, but your overall health can suffer by not being able to eat crunchy, nutritious fruits and vegetables. As if that weren’t bad enough, tooth loss can make it difficult to speak clearly and smile confidently. If you’ve been searching for a way to replace your missing teeth, look no further than dentures in Las Cruces, NM. Dentures are a tried-and-true way to complete your smile, and today’s dentures are more lifelike than ever before. Don’t wait any longer to bring back your lost teeth – contact Painted Skies Dental Center today to schedule a dentures consultation!
Because each denture is customized to meet a patient’s unique needs, the majority of adults who are suffering from tooth loss make good candidates for dentures. Whether you’re only missing a few teeth or you need a full arch replaced, it’s likely that there’s a denture solution for you!
That said, you’ll still need to attend a consultation with our husband-and-wife dental team just to be sure. Dr. Natalie J. Ortiz and Dr. Ramon M. Ortiz each have more than a decade of experience helping patients rebuild their smiles. After they look over your mouth, they’ll determine whether dentures are the best option for you. They’ll also address any health concerns, such as gum disease, that should be treated before dentures can be placed.
Over the decades, denture technology has evolved in incredible ways. Currently, there are three main types of dentures, which all consist of a pink acrylic base and lifelike, personalized artificial teeth. The kind of denture that your dentist in Las Cruces recommends for you will depend on the state of your oral health as well as your individual preferences.
Patients who still have some natural teeth remaining can enjoy a complete smile again thanks to partial dentures. This prosthetic attaches to these teeth with metal or plastic clasps, and contains a specific number of replacement teeth that seamlessly blend into your grin.
A full denture can recreate an entire arch of teeth at once. The base sits on the gum tissue, and a natural suction force keeps it in place when you’re talking and eating. Adhesives can also be used for extra stability.
If you miss the strong, natural feeling of your real teeth, then you might be interesting in implant dentures. We can refer you to a specialist who places a small number of dental implants in your jaw. There, they fuse to the bone tissue, providing enough support for a full or partial denture. Implant dentures won’t slip around, they replenish more chewing force, and they keep your jawbone strong for years – even decades – to come.
It’s not hard to see why dentures have remained popular over the years. They have let countless patients enjoy newfound confidence and functionality after tooth loss. By replacing your missing teeth with dentures, you can look forward to several benefits, including:
When you secure your denture onto dental implants, you can enjoy even more benefits!
On average, most patients have to wait about six to eight weeks after getting their teeth pulled to receive dentures. Although two months may sound like a long time, it’s necessary to ensure the gums have enough time to heal properly. It’s worth noting that the exact amount of time needed will vary depending on the type of denture in question. Immediate dentures can be placed on the same day as an extraction, but they’ll need to be switched out sooner because the shape of the jawbone changes as the mouth heals. If you’re getting implant dentures, you’ll need to wait about four to six months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone via osseointegration.
When you first get your dentures, you’ll be asked to keep them in your mouth for an entire 24 hours, including while you sleep. However, it’s strongly recommended that you remove them every evening before bed once you get past that initial period. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft tissue irritation and potentially speeding up ridge resorption. By regularly taking out your oral appliances, you give your gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients they need during the night. Additionally, sleeping with dentures is associated with a higher risk of pneumonia and poor oral hygiene.
Since there are three different types of dentures, the requirements for getting each one are different. Here’s what to expect:
If you need oral surgery before getting dentures, you’ll likely experience mild soreness and discomfort after the procedure. Luckily, you can easily manage it by taking your prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication as directed and using cold compresses. Once you get your new teeth, you may have minor irritation while your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. The discomfort should go away as soon as you adjust to your prosthetics. That process can take weeks or months depending on your unique situation.
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