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Smile, Swipe, Spark: The Role of Dental Health in Dating

December 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 8:36 pm
A couple with good dental health smiling at each other

In the modern world of dating, first impressions often happen digitally, and attraction happens at the speed of a swipe. With this environment, your smile can be a game-changer. Beyond initial attraction, your dental health could contribute significantly to shaping your dating experience.

If you want to learn more about how your pearly whites could influence your dating game, read on.

First Impressions, Digitally

In years past before social media, and more recently, dating apps, there was a greater emphasis on meeting people. Now, many find that they don’t have the time, knowledge, or energy to get out and meet with strangers. This has led to a trend of instant attraction via online profiles and digital presentations. An attractive smile is no longer a “bonus” it’s a requirement!

The First Date

If you and your date make it to a physical meeting, you’ll have a second chance at a first impression. Before, your date was probably more concerned with how your smile looked, but now there are more factors. Smell, body language, personality—all of these contribute to a successful first date.


A regular oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing is your most valuable resource in this situation. This will reduce the number of food particles left in and around your teeth which cause bad breath. As food breaks down with bacteria in your mouth, it releases sulfuric compounds which are the source of halitosis.

Body Language

What do your teeth have to do with body language? The fact is, smiling is one of the clearest signs of affection available without speech or touch. If you are self-conscious about your dental health, you may refrain from smiling, or hiding it behind your hand. This may send the wrong message if you’re on a first date.


How you present yourself can make or break a date. Studies show that people are generally more attracted to confident partners. If you want to improve your confidence, focusing on your dental hygiene is a great start.

How Can You Improve Your Smile?

Here are a few tips for setting yourself up for dating success vis good dental health:

  • Brush and Floss Daily: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth twice a day and floss before bed every night.
  • Rinse with Anti-bacterial Mouthwash: Use a mouth rinse regularly to help kill bad-breath bacteria.
  • Avoid Smelly Foods: Foods and beverages like garlic, cabbage, and coffee are full of sulfuric compounds that will cause bad breath.
  • Refrain from Alcohol and Tobacco: Use of these products will quickly lead to poor oral health, especially if you indulge in them often.

With these tips and the knowledge that your dental health is incredibly important in your dating life, you can prevail. Dating is getting harder, so you’ll need every advantage you can get to find your special someone. If you believe you need more help, talk to your dentist and set up an appointment for their recommendations.

About the Practice

At Painted Skies Dental Center, Dr. Natalie Ortiz and Dr. Ramon M. Ortiz are a professional dental duo with years of experience between them. They offer customized treatment plans to bring your smile from drab to fab using state-of-the-art dental technology and procedures. If you want to improve your game and your teeth at the same time, come into the office for a consultation! Call (575) 521-8720 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more.