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Want a Healthy Smile? Eat These Snacks!

January 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 8:51 pm
Woman in blue shirt eating apple

When you think about oral healthcare, you may picture yourself in your bathroom brushing and flossing your teeth. Of course, this is an integral part of maintaining a healthy smile, however there are other steps you can take to achieve amazing oral health. When it comes to the wellbeing of your smile, what you snack on matters. That’s why your dentist in Las Cruces has included some easy snacking tips like what to eat and what not to eat for a great set of teeth.


5 Reasons to Start Your New Year With a Dental Checkup & Cleaning

January 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 2:45 pm
board that says "new year, new health"

Are you dedicating 2020 to work on your overall wellbeing and health? Your dentist in Las Cruces provides thorough routine checkups and cleanings that don’t just keep your smile looking fantastic, but they also reduce your risk of developing other medical and health problems, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even heart disease. Read on for five reasons why scheduling an appointment with your dentist today is the best way to start your new year off right.
