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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 6:33 pm

Cancerous growth in mouth

Did you know cavities and gum disease aren’t the only dangers that can be hidden in your mouth? Although tooth decay and gum disease are common, 54,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. Unfortunately, it will also lead to 12,000 deaths. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, dedicated to increasing public education about the importance of regular screenings. Here’s how you can invest in the power of early detection by having an oral cancer screening during your next cleaning and checkup.


Improve Your Smile with Your Tax Refund

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 1:53 am

Man's hands counting cashMany Americans have already received their tax refund. If you have extra cash in your bank account, don’t blow your refund on a shopping spree or a big-ticket item. Instead, use it to invest in your smile. Many Americans are looking for ways to save money, which can cause dental care to be put on hold to avoid added expenses. If you’ve been skipping your semi-annual appointments or delaying dental work, put your refund to good use. Here are 3 ways to invest the money in healthy teeth and gums.


How Long Can You Expect Your Dental Filling to Last?

April 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drortiz @ 11:14 am
a digital image of a dental filling

Tooth decay is among the world’s most common health issues. Getting a cavity is very common, especially for children, teenagers, and older adults. And, unfortunately, if you don’t get it treated as soon as possible, tooth decay can spread deeper into the tooth, wreaking havoc on your oral health. Luckily, it can be easily handled with a dental filling! Your tooth will be restored and back on a healthy track. But how long can you expect it to last? Here’s what to know about the lifespan of a dental filling.
